- RM2
- RM Home
- RM Pro
- RM Pro Plus V2 (10119) --> Please update firmware to v20025
- RM3 Mini (BlackBean)
- RMPro+ or RMPro3 (65437) (version 2.3.6 and later)
- SP2
- SP2-C or SP2-UK (version 1.8.2 and later)
- SP3 (version 2.3.6 and later)
- SPMini (10035)
- Contros (SP3) (10035)
- SP Mini 3 (version 1.8.2 and later)
- A1
- TC1 (appears in Code List, not Device List)
- TC2 (appears in Code List, not Device List)
- MP1 (version 1.8.2 and later)
- MP2 (version 1.8.2 and later)
- S1C (future releases)
White label products from Broadlink such as Honyar, Dooya, etc, will not supported.
If you are facing "Unable to manage device" error, please check the following:
- Your Android device is in the same Access Point as your Broadlink device (same WiFi network name does not mean the same Access Point if you have multiple Access Points & router in your network)
- Your Broadlink device is NOT set to LOCK mode in eControl app.